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6 Powerful Ways to Love Yourself!

To fall in love with yourself is the first secret to happiness.

It is important to love every damn day, especially to the most important person in your life — YOU!

In recent years; and now, self-care has somehow become synonymous with bubble baths, mani/pedis, and spa treatments. There’s nothing wrong with these activities.

We believe that everyone should do what makes them feel most confident. But self-care extends beyond surface-level activities.

It is more important to prioritize habits that protect our energy and enhance how we feel and function. Self-care is a necessity, not a luxury; how you feel internally sets the tone for everything you manifest in the material world.

All that said, here are some self-care tips that may not be super sexy, but they are guaranteed to raise your vibration and help you feel your best, inside and out.

  1. Set Boundaries

Establishing boundaries around your time and energy is one of THE best ways to show yourself some love. It proves to you and signals to others that you put yourself first, and allows you to preserve your energy for the things that matter most.

Talking about the importance of boundaries is easy, but setting them can be a challenge. If establishing boundaries is new to you, check out some tips from the Solutine app for some ideas on how to put them in place.

  1. Unplug for a day (or at Least a Few Hours)

Stepping away from our electronics is one of the hardest, but most beneficial things we can do, especially during the high-tech era in which we live.

Even when we are using our phones, iPods, computers for recreational activities, it still forces us to be “on,” and using them so frequently prevents us from noticing the world going on around us.

Too much time on social media apps can also lead to mental health issues, and being hyper-responsive to everyone in our lives can quickly lead to burnout. If unplugging for a whole day is too daunting, try a few hours to start. Even a brief recharge can help you relax and feel refreshed.

  1. Spend Time with Loved Ones

Spending dedicated time with loved ones — in person or via phone/Facetime — is one of the most sure-fire ways to fill your cup. It is easy to feel like we are constantly connecting to everyone around us via social media and texting, but those mediums cannot replace the value that comes from direct face to face connection. Set aside time regularly to visit or call the people you love.

You will thank yourself later.

“How you love yourself is how you teach others to love you.”

  1. Get Stuff off Your Chest

When we avoid dealing with our emotions, they get stored in the body and manifest as illness and physical pain. By failing to process our feelings, we do ourselves a disservice in both the short and long-term.

Find a way to constructively confront whatever has been plaguing you. Whether you need to have a difficult conversation with a friend or forgive yourself for a mistake you made years ago, do yourself a favor and express what you are holding inside. The release will free up energy and allow you to focus on something new.

  1. Move Your Body

The benefits of movement are numerous. Exercise improves our metabolism, releases endorphins, allows us to process emotions, and strengthens the connection we have with our bodies, to name a few! For these reasons, daily movement is the ultimate form of self-love.

This is highly impactful act of self-care is simple as taking a walk around your neighbourhood or dancing to music in your home. The important thing is that you take the time to move energy through your body regularly.

  1. Get Life Coaching Help

There is a popular misconception that therapy is only needed when things are going awry in our lives. True, therapy can be instrumental in helping us navigate extraordinary life events. But life coaching is also a useful tool for maintaining a healthy mindset and gaining a better understanding of ourselves.

Accountability is one of the highest forms of love, and life coaching can help with addressing areas where we’re stuck. Setting aside time each week to get an objective perspective on what is going on with your life and your thoughts is one of the best ways to fuel your personal growth.

Showing yourself love consistently is the best investment you can make in yourself. A happy and healthy you are beneficial to everyone in your orbit — and your business!

For more tips and tricks check out Solutine Social App in India.

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