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What the Future of Traditional Braces Work Looks Like After Coronavirus

A man named Bill had braces. The metal was cold and it hurt when he brushed his teeth.

Bill went to the dentist often because of his braces. He got regular cleanings, regular adjustments, and regular fillings on his front teeth after eating candy corn on Halloween night every year.

One day he looked in his mouth mirror and discovered some white spots on one tooth. He went to the dentist immediately who told him they were small cavities so she pulled them quickly with her pliers during that visit while Bill just sat their Traditional Braces quietly letting the procedures happen without protest even though they stung like hell for days afterward until they stopped hurting at all except very slightly if he rubbed his tongue along them.

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The next year for Halloween, Bill decided to just eat all the candy corn without ever brushing his teeth. He didn’t want any cavities again so he preferred suffering at their expense instead of suffering through agonizing dental procedures instead if that’s what it took to not get cavities anymore.

He went in to see the dentist a few days later and she told him, “Bill, your teeth have been so good for so long I think we can just clean them up real quick today instead of removing any more metal from under your gums. After this visit, you’ll only need one more cleaning before the end.”

Bill agreed that was a fine enough idea since his teeth wouldn’t be hurting anymore after this visit anyway with no fillings at least even though they still burned when he brushed his teeth with toothpaste because of the spots left behind by old cavities or possibly brand new ones depending on which one was causing the extra pain but either way it would all go away soon enough once the braces came off.

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Her body clipped Bill’s knee and spun his entire body around until someone shouted for her to watch out as she fled down the street without even sparing a glance back, but because everyone else was busy sitting safely behind their desks or talking with each other instead of paying attention they missed seeing anything at all except for Bill’s nose which was bleeding onto his shirt after smacking into the pavement with his face.

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The next day at work before lunch break someone knocked on Bill’s cubicle wall and asked if he wanted to get lunch together but then they stared at him for a while until asked who did his eyeshadow for him because it looked great.

Bill laughed and told them, “It’s nothing, I just put some eye pencil on.”

“Wow,” they responded, “I never noticed you wearing makeup before! You should do it more often.”

Bill put on his lipstick and left for the party, but when he got there no one was waiting for him at the door so he went to check if perhaps they were already inside only to find out everyone still outside hadn’t even noticed him yet because they were talking amongst themselves instead of looking around right away like usual during a night out with friends.

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Bill waited until someone noticed him and nodded for them to follow towards the door where he showed his ID without saying a word or smiling, which was unusual because usually, it would be the other way around since he’d bow his head down while handing it over before leading them inside while smiling warmly at whoever was standing in front of him whether it be a friend or complete stranger.

Then Bill went to the bathroom afterward because he felt someone should tell him what was wrong with his face before heading off to find out who wasn’t talking about something else instead of asking “How are you doing?” or ‘What’s new?’ or any other conversation starter that had been used between them for years now since first meeting each other first in college until graduating together afterward only to stick around in the same city working at their jobs where they’d first met through mutual friends two summers ago. They were taking turns visiting each other every other weekend back then during summer break when they didn’t have anything better to do.

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