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Exercise We Should Do or Not Do After the Botox Treatment?

Are you suffering from wrinkles and fine lines and looking for ways to rectify this? If yes, Botox is the proper treatment. Botox is an injectable cosmetic drug that paralyzes your muscles. Using Botox injections is safe because the diluted amount of toxins in the injection stops muscles from contracting. Also, wrinkles tend to be softer and relaxed.

Most people use Botox to reduce facial wrinkles. But other than that, you can use it to treat conditions like severe migraines, excessive sweating, lazy eyes, overactive bladder, and neck spasm. 

Exercise after Botox is among what you need to avoid after the treatment. However, there are few exercises that you can easily do. This article will understand Botox aftercare and activity after Botox that you will need to avoid.

The Instructions for Botox Aftercare 

Botox aftercare aims at facilitating the best results. You also need these instructions to reduce the risks of bruising and spreading to other sites. You will need to take care of specific things, especially getting Botox injections. It would be best if you did the following things;

  • Gently massaging your face
  • Ensure you relax appropriately during the day
  • Maintain average heart rate
  • You also need to avoid rubbing, touching, or any physical pressure on the sites being treated
  • Leave behind the treated areas for some time

Avoid Hard Exercises

If working out is your thing, that you will have to pause for at least one day after undergoing the Botox procedure. You will need first to consult your doctor for proper directions because the doctor might suggest you wait for some days.

When they get into complex physical activities, the blood flow tends to increase and spread toxins to other areas, reducing its effectiveness. Other than this, it can as well trigger the chances of bruising.

You also need to avoid exercise after Botox because, during the training, your muscles will be contracted, diminishing the effectiveness of the toxins. However, some facial practices are safe to do after Botox injections since they are safe. These facial exercises are safe to do, and they include the following;

  • Frowning
  • Smiling
  • And raising our eyebrows

These are light movements and Botox aftercare that can promote Botox effectiveness.

Do Not Apply to Make Up

If you got Botox injections on your face, you should take a break from makeup. This is because applying cosmetics on your face will disperse toxins as they will run over the skin.

Sit Up for Some Hours

You need to sit for the first four hours after the Botox injections. This is because if you bend or lie down, the toxins will spread all over your body, and this might result in bruising.

Taking Medications

Avoid taking any medications before consulting your medical doctor. This is because some medicines might trigger bruising. Ensure that you are taking them in the doctor’s direction and when you are safe to take them.

Avoid Rubbing Your Face Frequently

Typically, the Botox injection areas tend to heal quickly. However, if you keep rubbing the site repeatedly, it might cause bruising, redness, and irritation. It is usual to feel some discomforts after the therapy, and you may as well feel like rubbing the site.

This you should avoid to your best. Understand that your face requires time to recover from the treatment. You also need to avoid some unnecessary movements in the affected areas.

No Blood Thinners

Blood thinners like aspirin, NSAID painkillers will raise the risk of bleeding and bruising. You also need to avoid alcohol for about 24 hours after taking the Botox injections.

Avoid Sun and Heat

If you expose your face to sun and heat, you might experience swelling and redness. As a result, after getting Botox injections, ensure you are refraining from the sun, heat lamps, and tanning beds for one day. If you want to step outside, make sure you are well protected and apply sunscreen or wear hats.

Do Not Wash Your Face

After the treatment, you need to avoid applying moisturizers or washing your face. This exercise is good, but not after the treatment. Also, make sure you are not using lotions or washing your face to help medications set in your front to get the best outcome.

Do Not Sleep on the Affected Site

Try your best not to sleep on the affected sites of your body. This will reduce the physical pressure, and consequently, the Botox injections will settle into your muscles. You also ensure to avoid sleeping within four hours of the treatment.

Final Thought

Exercise after Botox is something you need to avoid to enjoy the best results. Strenuous activities can cause harm to you. You need to give time to heal and produce the best results. Some of the above exercises should also be avoided for optimum results. 

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