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What to do when Sage 50 Slows Down?

We as of late assisted a bookkeeping with firming in Dublin with a bookkeeping application issue. Two or three months prior, they began to see that their Sage 50 records bundle was dialing back. In this way, on the counsel of their past IT support supplier, they purchased another server and another gigabit switch. They were consoled that this would tackle their concern. Be that as it may, unfortunately, their Sage 50 log jam issue actually existed even with all their new and glossy equipment. After the new equipment had been introduced, Sage played out somewhat speedier however just barely.

Sage bookkeeping programming has been a staple for Irish organizations for more than twenty years at this point. It was first presented in the UK commercial center back in 1981. It currently has a significant portion of the bookkeeping applications market for SMEs here, the UK, central area Europe and North America.

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Belying the way that the Sage 50 is a generally “old” application it’s information structure isn’t by and large lean. Most current applications utilize a solitary record to store their information. For instance, an entire information base can be put away in one single .MDB record (Microsoft Access). Paradoxically, Sage 50 comprises of 240 level records and files (held in the Accdata organizer). This isn’t each productive when there are moderately huge quantities of exchanges. In a multi-client climate, Sage can be very information serious and relies upon your organization being designed to extremely demanding norms to accomplish a sensible exhibition.

To assist with settling this Sage 50 issue. We followed an extremely fundamental approach.

Steps to make Sage 50 quicker.

1) Before you do anything, ensure that you have played out a total reinforcement of your Sage records documents.

2) Temporarily impair your enemy of infection or security programming. In the background in your PC, Sage persistently opens and closes documents (records which are important for the program). Also, every activity in a multi-client framework gets to a “lock” record called Queue.dts which helps co-ordinate multi-client access in Sage. However, here’s the rub. Each time Sage gets to these documents your enemy of infection or security programming will catch and screen all of these tasks. This can send your enemy of infection into overdrive and force a tremendous upward on your PC.

3) Once you have impaired your enemy of infection programming; test the speed of Sage once more. Assuming that there is still no improvement; you should un-introduce your AV bundle out and out from the server (which has the Sage information document) and the client PCs from which you work.

4) Now test for several hours. Assuming you notice a checked and steady improvement in the application’s speed. You have recognized the issue.

Imagine a scenario in which this arrangement doesn’t work.

In an arranged climate, PCs need to converse with one another. To do as such, they utilize a convention that the two frameworks can comprehend. Microsoft utilizes a convention called SMB for correspondence between machines. Whenever they brought out Vista, they additionally presented another rendition of SMB called SMB2.Windows Vista and all ensuing Microsoft working frameworks (for example Windows 7) all utilization SMB2 as a matter of course. Be that as it may, XP actually utilizes SMB 1.

So how could this be applicable to Sage being slow? Indeed, on the off chance that you actually have XP frameworks on your organization; they will utilize the SMB 1 convention. While your different Windows 7 or Windows 8 frameworks will utilize SMB 2. With this befuddle of conventions being utilized – Sage will begin to dial back radically.

In any case, there is a straightforward fix. You can simply debilitate SMB2 on your fresher frameworks (Windows Vista, 7 and 8). To do this, you should go to the vault and change “empowered” status to “crippled”.

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Parameters
  • Vault passage: SMB2
  • REG_DWORD: 0 = Disabled
  • REG_DWORD: 1 = Enabled
  • Default: 1 = Enabled
  • Change Default from “1” to “0” to impair SMB2.

This basic library change on his office PCs tackled an exceptionally irritating issue for our bookkeeper client.

Assuming your Sage 50 is still sluggish?

There are various different things you can attempt assuming that your Sage 50 is still sluggish.

1) Your organization ought to be something like 100mbit. Attempt to run a LAN speedtest. TotuSoft give an amazing, economical instrument for this reason.

2) Make sure that you are utilizing an adaptation Sage that is has generally significant updates introduced.

3) Make sure that “Opportunistics locks” is empowered.

For client PCs


  1. OplocksDisabled REG_DWORD 0 or 1
  2. Default: 0 (not debilitated)
  3. Set to “1”

For your Server


  1. EnableOplocks REG_DWORD 0 or 1
  2. Default: 1 (Enabled of course)
  3. Set to “0”

4) SMB marking ought to be impaired.

5) “Empower Netbios over TCP/IP” ought to be empowered on the organization card.

6) Make sure that all renditions of Sage are something similar.

7) Perform a Sage Check Data and Compress Data schedule.

8) Try changing the default printer. While a printer could appear to be irrelevant to a Sage issue, some printer drivers have been known to struggle with Sage (for example Dymo printer drivers)

9) Make sure that there is a lot of circle space left on client PCs and the server.

10) Make sure that SMB marking is handicapped.

Tossing cash at IT issues…

I trust this investigating approach helps another person with a comparable issue. Sadly, on account of our bookkeeper client, his past IT support supplier neglected to follow a portion of these fundamental stages. Accordingly cash was tossed at the issue when it might have been tackled in a lot simpler and more affordable manner.

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