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Amazon FBA Product Sourcing Methods, Resources & Tips

As it sounds, Amazon FBA Product sourcing implies that you’re sourcing or finding best suppliers for amazon fba.

There are several methods to accomplish this. While experienced entrepreneurs can collaborate directly with a

manufacturer in order to create products, new entrepreneurs may prefer to start by using retail arbitrage.

No matter how you choose to source your products, you must conduct market research as well as competitor

research to determine the potential in each product category that you are interested in.

Methods of sourcing Amazon FBA products

These are the top methods for sourcing products to sell on Amazon FBA:


If you’re working with a manufacturer you’re developing your own brand name by designing the product and branding the packaging, the product and the listing.

In order to do this correctly it is necessary to research manufacturers you want to work with and possibly visit manufacturers, go to trade exhibitions and conferences to discover manufacturers, etc.


Wholesale means you’re buying products for sale via Amazon FBA from wholesalers. Buy in bulk in order to obtain a good price and then market the product on Amazon. Your products won’t be under your own, and there are numerous other retailers on the internet selling similar products.


When you make use of dropshipping to find items for Amazon You list items from a source and only pay once they’re sold. But unlike traditional dropshipping Amazon does not permit the seller to deliver items to customers directly for them (meaning that you’ll need to use FBA and ship items via Amazon).

Retail arbitrage

Retail arbitrage refers to finding products in other places (typically in large box stores such as Home Depot and Target) and then transferring the items to Amazon to sell. It is common to search for bargains in the clearance sections in order to earn a profit. You can also use online arbitrage where you can locate bargains on the internet, and also look for specifics in estate and thrift store sales too.

Handmade Products

Although Amazon FBA certainly isn’t Etsy, Amazon is encouraging more entrepreneurs to sell their handmade goods through its platform. If you or your family members and family members happen to be talented or have a passion for making things, this could be a good sourcing method for you.

Tips for sourcing Amazon FBA products

Each method of sourcing comes with its own set of best methods, there are a few guidelines that are applicable to any method of sourcing that you decide to use.

Find out your actual profit margins

To make informed choices regarding your product’s sourcing You’ll be able to determine the actual profit margins you earn which could be more than just the price of the item as well as the cost of shipping from the manufacturer to you and between you and Amazon and the costs of refunds and inventory that is not sellable FBA storage fees, Amazon PPC costs, etc. 

Understand demand

Be sure not to use sales information from prior years as gospel truth. Are the sales for the product that you are interested in decreasing? Is the trend waning? Are you able to tell if it is seasonal? Market studies, research on social media as well as Google Trends reports to help determine the future demand.

Study your competitors

If you’re selling retail-based products, making products of your own, or working in a wholesale business, you should be aware of the trends in your competitors. 

What’s the current price your product is being sold at? What is the price of sellers who are selling it for? is the price similar items are selling for? What is the price range? vary?

To conduct a competitive analysis take into consideration the following factors: sales rank sales volume, sales rank review ratings, positive and negative price, information about the seller as well as the seller’s rank and estimates of costs.

Document your process

Whatever method you decide to use, the first step is to develop your own method to source stock.

It’s a good idea to document this process as clearly as you can. Record it in a neatly organized Google Doc and make Loom videos of more intricate procedures and steps.

Make an outline of the criteria your products must meet, as well as the maximum profit margin you’ll be able to afford for products that fall within various prices, types and/or estimates of sales volume.

If you’re a seasoned seller or are just beginning you’ll need to discover as much information about product sources as you can.

However, even with great marketing, you have to have a top-quality product to succeed on Amazon. If you don’t, you’ll get numerous negative reviews, and sales will suffer.

If you can become an expert in the field of finding profitable FBA merchandise, your company will continue to grow as you’ll have the ability to discover new products as the market and trends shift.

Read More : Dropshipping On Amazon – Sellers Guide 

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