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Angular Vs React Comparison In 2022: Which Is Better And Why?

Angular and React are the two most famous development frameworks in the JavaScript Ecosystem. Choosing between them can be difficult. You need a fair bit of knowledge to decide on what ground you should base your decision on. The question that plagues the developers is –why choose Angular JS web development? Or should they go for React JS?

To help you decide whether to hire dedicated Angular developers, we have given below a comprehensive comparison between these frameworks.

Key Features of React

  • You can use 3rd party libraries.
  • It saves time.
  • Simple and Composable.
  • Facebook support.
  • Enhanced user experience and quicker performance.
  • Faster Development.
  • One-way data-binding ensures code stability.

Key Features of Angular

  • Support embedded for AJAX, HTTP, and Observables.
  • Supported by a large community.
  • Technologically consistent.
  • Efficient Typescript.
  • Coding is clean and crisp.
  • Better at error handling.
  • Smooth updates using Angular CLI
  • Forms and validation
  • Shadow DOM / local CSS

Advantages of Angular js

  • Code Development is clean.
  • Performs better.
  • The interface has a material-like design.
  • You can go from one view to another easily as the framework takes care of rerouting.
  • Angular CLI provides seamless updates.

Which is more popular – Angular or React?

Angular has been popular before 2016, but React’s popularity is growing exponentially every day. According to the Stack Overflow survey, React and Angular had equal popularity among the developers in 2018. After that, React has attracted more developers, becoming the most well known open-source JavaScript Library. Angular comes in 3rd while React comes in 1st in the 2020’s list of most wanted frameworks.

Which is better?

React performs better than Angular as it has virtual DOM implementation and numerous optimizations. Moreover, you can move from one React version to another easily, which isn’t possible in Angular. Lastly, programmers have a variety of inbuilt solutions in their hands.

Comparison Between Angular And React


Angular – It has a full-featured Framework that offers concrete opinions regarding the design of your application. Several tiny libraries help to develop intricate applications.

React – The JavaScript library is older than Angular and focuses on UI components. MVC design means you have to implement Flux, but the upside is you get flexibility during code organization.

Data binding

Angular – it can support one way and two-way data binding. By two-way data binding, we mean that if we change the UI input, there will be a change in the model state will change. The reverse is true too.

React – It supports only one-way data binding. It means that a UI element has no impact on the state of a component.


Angular – The language used is TypeScript which is a superset of JavaScript.

React – You can use TypeScript to write JavaScript XML (JSX). That doesn’t mean it is there by default.

UI Components

Angular – It consists of numerous material design components helpful in UI configuration.

React – It includes UI Library and Dependencies, which consists of UI tools developed by the community. These tools offer a variety of UI components.

Dependency Injection

Angular – It supports dependency injection that allows different life cycles for different stores.

React – You won’t get a fully enabled dependency injection as all the components have their global state.


Angular – Incremental DOM –whenever a new DOM is made, it runs a comparison between the new one and the old one. Then, it incorporates the differences into the actual DOM and allocates memory only if it is required.

React – Virtual DOM – if at any point the DOM changes, it forms a new virtual DOM,different from the earlier one. The “real” DOM has modified differences.

Use of libraries

Angular – It is a complete solution all by itself.

React – You can package React with other programming libraries.

Learning curve

Angular – Beginners will struggle with Angular. So, you will need a lot of training.

React – Beginners can understand React more quickly than Angular. Though, it becomes difficult if it is augmented with Redux.

Installation time

Angular – You can set up Angular easily, but it might result in increased coding time. Consequently, there can be a delay in project deliveries.

React – Though it takes longer than Angular to set up, it builds apps and delivers projects quickly.

Best Feature

Angular – You don’t have that much freedom and flexibility.

React – You will have a lot of freedom when it comes to choosing architecture, tools, and libraries while developing an application.

Testing & Debugging

Angular – It has a single tool to test and debug a whole project.

React – You will need a toolset to carry out different kinds of testing.


Angular – The development process is still going on, which is why the documentation is not as fast.

React – Despite going through regular updates, the documentation is quicker than Angular development services.


Angular – There are planned updates with a six-month gap, so you get ample time to make the changes required for migration.

React – The scripts aid migration, which is the reason behind the simple updates.

Application Types

Angular – It is ideal for developing large scale mobile apps and SPA ( Single Page Application) has loads of features.

React – It is ideal for developing hybrid apps, web apps, or Native apps, especially for Android and iOS devices.

Community Support

Angular – A big developers and supporters community.

React – A community of Facebook developers.

Language preference

Angular – TypeScript

React – JSX – JavaScript XML

Companies Using

Angular – Wepay, Beam, Auto Trader, Mesh, Streamline Social, etc.

React – Facebook, Uber Technologies, Instagram, Netflix, Pinterest, etc.


Angular – HTML + TypeScript

React – JSX + J% (ES5/ES6)


Angular – Medium

React – Strong

Adding Javascript library to the source code

Angular – It is impossible.

React – Possible.


Angular – You can’t use large models as Angular JS development company has a sensitive framework.

React – You will get a choice option that won’t put a performance penalty.

Use of code

Angular – It has numerous elements ready to go. But it has a specific provider, which may cause priority collisions and namespaces.

React – You can manage the code as per the format of your choice.

GitHub stars

Angular – 80.8K

React – 180K


Angular – 48.2 K

React – 30.3 K

Summing Up

It is a difficult task to settle on the best framework as each one comes with special and unique characteristics. When choosing between Angular website development company and React, it finally boils down to personal preference as they both solve the same problems in different methods. Keep in mind, React is easier to learn which results in quicker development. Whereas you will get more inbuilt functions in Angular. They both are equally powerful.


Patel Nasrullah Co-founder Peerbits, one of the leading Top mobile application development company USA, in 2011. He devotes his time in inspiring young leaders to take the leap of faith. With the experience of 10 years in Web and App development, he now gives full attention to the enterprise by offering mobility solutions about the strategic planning and execution.

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