Data Privacy and Security at Virtual Events
After the world encountered the sudden outbreak of covid-19, the demand for in-person events declined submissively. Many event planners started investing time adjusting their plans and adapting to the new trend of virtual reality.
Before organising any event, event organisers must consider all the possible drawbacks that may come in the way while curating a successful event plan. Who would have thought that this unanticipated virus will also get involved in the drawback list. But to cover the losses and save organisations from dipping down, virtual events rescued us. They became an integral part of our lives.
We know times are tough, but after the emergence of virtual events, people worldwide started participating in events without indulging themselves in any risk. They can quickly attend any meeting or seminar from their comfortable spaces with the help of a device supported by a stable internet connection.
It is hard to predict how bad this global pandemic may result! But guess what? We are all set for the challenge. With the diverse virtual event platforms available in the market today, you can easily reach out to potential audiences and build powerful connections seamlessly!
As meeting in-person is not an option, event professionals need to consider measurable series to keep their attendee’s personal information private and secure. So for this, we have enlisted a few solutions for data privacy and security at your virtual events! Let’s have a look at some tips that will help you keep your attendee’s details safe and secure throughout the event! It’s time to get started!
1- Promote Your Event Directly To The Target Attendees
We know it is exciting when you host an event for the first time. You want everything to go according to the plan. But plastering about your event all over the internet thinking that you will attract more attendees is something you cannot assume. Take our advice and consider utilising the targeted marketing technology. This will help you tune in more interested attendees to your platform. Take advantage of email marketing, direct advertising tactics to reach out to potential attendees. This way, you can quickly bring predatory entities to your event! Isn’t that exhilarating?
2- Hide Critical URLs to protect your content
Yet another significant aspect that many event professionals are worried about is keeping their content away from the risk of getting stolen. You can stop by asking your service provider to provide you with event apps that help you keep your quality content safer and away from getting viral without your consent. This will prevent your content from getting displayed over the internet. This indicates that nobody can access your content without your permission.
3- Conduct your meetings over a webinar
Webinars hold a submissive amount of features that prevents any distractions or zoom bombing during the event. You can host a full-fledged webinar on a platform like Zoom that allows you to share quality content, insightful videos and audios for all the panel members and enable attendees to effortlessly join the sessions via ‘listen & view only’ feature. This will help you monitor your event safely and assist with who all can take part in your event.
4- Choose the correct software for your virtual event
Choosing what’s suitable for your virtual event is one of the primary elements you must consider! While selecting a software, ask your service provider the following questions- Does your system incorporate gamification features? What critical majors would you provide for keeping your participant’s personal information private and secure? What are your inputs on data tracking? What solutions will you be offering for data privacy at the virtual event? And so forth.
Don’t forget to run a quick analysis of the platform you choose beforehand. Pay close attention to their customer reviews, testimonials, and how experienced they are in the industry.
Always keep this in mind- an experienced, well-reviewed service provider can offer you robust information technology and a hard-working support team who will manage and monitor every move of the attendees and avoid any hindrance to occur.
5- Provide a better understanding of security to your audiences
Make sure you offer a quick walkthrough of the best practices before they tune in to the event. Remind them with these fundamental security insights:
- Never accept or request any unsolicited chat from individuals who has a suspicious-looking profile in the event
- Do not share your email address or mobile number with people you don’t trust.
- Restrict and aware attendees from sharing their screen with anyone you don’t know in the event.
- And lastly, check out their supportive laptop or phone device to achieve the latest security updates.
6- Password protected event
Do you know the most effective way to prevent hackers from guessing the password? It is by providing creative and random passwords that contain unique characters, letters, and numbers. Accessing codes can be another alternative that you can include. However, do not use the same password for every event as there may a possibility that somebody who attended your event once leaked the password to any false person.
7- Authenticate Participants
You can also consider the multi-factor passwords; this is similar to standard password authentication functionality. It might sound fancy to you, but having multi-factor credentials from your virtual attendees can make it work much more accessible. Different service providers utilise other methods, but at the very least, you should have some screening process in place to only allow signed-in users to participate in your virtual event.
Over to You
All in all, data privacy and security at your virtual event is a must as it plays a very critical role in response to deliver success. Virtual events have been a great support to organisations and attendees at the same time. Choosing the right service provider for your virtual event can turn the tables for you and your team. How? Well the analogy is quite simple, an experienced service provider can offer exquisite data privacy, transparency and acquiescence to your global attendees. While enabling you to host the most worthwhile virtual event of all time!
We hope this article will come out to be useful for your organisation! Happy reading!