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How can experiential events create buzz for automotive brands?

Experiential events  – Customers crave unique and outstanding marketing experiences. Gone are the days when traditional TV ads and SMS marketing were used to hit customers and generate sales.  More brands are looking for creative ways to advertise their products and services and bring customers to their tables. One proven technique in 2021 and beyond is experiential marketing that can establish a never-ending bond with customers if done right. Our focus in this post is on automotive brands that can create a buzz using experiential marketing strategies. Stick to this article to the end to know more!

Experiential events for automotive brands:

The automotive industry has long been using strategies to attract customers and generate sales. Traditional techniques have worked well for them but not anymore since consumers are more research-driven now. 2021 and beyond is when consumers like events, auto shows, and experiential interactions, which is why experiential marketing could be the go-to option. It can bring along the following benefits for such brands.

1. Customer relationship growth:

Social and digital marketing can play a heavy hand in establishing a good relationship you’re your customers. However, when it comes to experiential marketing, there is no match for this. The immersive experiences your customers can enjoy at the event will drive them crazy, and nothing can stop them from buying your brand.

Conventional marketing techniques failed to move customers through the sales funnel, but experiential has won the game. The value it offers to your customers is never-ending. If you plan to organize an immersive event soon, contact a specialist experiential event agency. Having them on your side will streamline things for you.

2. Immersive experience with all senses:

Have you ever thought of connecting with your consumers of a sensory level? The idea sounds a bit odd, but it is sure to work. An experiential event is nothing but engaging with customers on a sensory level. Pop-up bars, digital displays, and auto shows allow customers to interact with the cars on the exhibition, drive them and experience the offerings.

When customers use your product or service using all their senses, they will never resist buying it. They can see, touch, hear and feel your product and use it at the same time. You can also offer them a test drive before purchasing a car. Don’t you think it will spark their interest to buy the car?

3. Digital and social content sharing:

If you want to expose your products and services to a fragmented audience, experiential marketing could be the best choice. Customers on an event create social and digital content and share it on various social media platforms, and they invite their friends to watch and share it. Don’t you think you can capitalize on this opportunity to tap new audiences and boost your brand awareness?

Every event creates a certain degree of hype and excitement, and the crowd loves to make videos and snaps. If a customer is taking a snap while test driving your car, it is sure to go viral on the internet. Let the customers be the stars of your show, and you will see how aggressively they will advertise your brand name.

4. Omnichannel visibility opportunities:

“I can expose 10 million people to a TV ad, but half of them won’t even see it because they are looking at their phones. The others won’t really act on it because they are sitting in their living rooms, or their recall wont be strong enough,” – said Jon Schulz.

The sole difference between a traditional TV ad and experiential marketing is the visibility and immersive experience, which can drive more sales.

Forward-thinking automotive companies are investing in organizing experiential events to gain more omnichannel visibility. They believe in data collection and using it to the best of their interest. Are you convinced to throw an immersive experiential event the next Sunday? Consider entrusting the job to a professional experiential event agency in Dubai. Your automotive brand will enjoy more visibility than it has before!

5. Lifted sales:

What is the ultimate goal of automotive industries to organize such large events and attract huge traffic? Definitely to convert more prospects and drive more sales. CMOs are investing great funds in experiential events since they can foresee a huge return on investment (ROI). The idea is to make immersive experiences for the audience to drive more sales.

Experiential marketing is a humongous opportunity for auto brands to move customers through their sales funnels. It is always credible for a brand when someone else talks about it rather than the brand talking for itself, and an experiential event exactly does the same!

Read also : Top 4 Types of Pop-Up Activation Events

Explore the power of experiential marketing for your brand!

Companies are better off with immersive experiences rather than traditional TV ads. Experiential events can generate extravagant results for a brand if done right. The secrete to do it right is to connect with experiential event specialists. Consider hiring them!


He is Rolen, An experienced writer/blogger and researcher. He writes blogs on daily basis in different niche and works on the different brands to enhance their market values. He writes on Business, education and education consulting, event and Dubai tickets online, finance, latest trend and technology including Best web hosting guide, and web technologies.

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