How to connect rock space wifi extender to router | re.rockspace.local
Connect rock space wifi extender to router It’s linked to a clandestine network. The SSID name of the switch is shown on the device’s bottom and can be altered in simultaneous settings.
- Open your program on your device and type into the address box, then press Start on the first page.
- Select a connection type. The switch has three connection methods: PPPoE, Dynamic IP Address, and Static IP Address.
You’ll find autoconfiguration here. You can choose the precise type of link in your network by giving data as needed. The next button should be pressed.
Keep in mind that if you’re using a PPPoE connection, you’ll need to provide your PPPoE client name and password before pressing Next.
If you’re utilizing a dynamic IP for your web association, click Next.
Enter your IP address and any additional information provided by your ISP if your web connection is static IP, then click Next.
- The SETUP page is now available. To help your network stand out, give it a name and a password.
You can either add the Wi-Fi password to the login password or create a new one before clicking Next.
You finish the site’s setup swiftly.
When you apply this option, the switch will reboot. Look through your Wi-Fi network list for an SSID that no one else has assigned. To connect to the AC2100 switch, you’ll need the password.
- Open your device’s app and type into the address field, then enter your password and tap “login.”
- You’ve joined the new Wi-Fi network and can now squeeze in as much capacity as you need on this page. A range of settings can be found on the left side.