Key Differences Between Mean Stack and Full Stack Developer
sAre you confused between full stack and mean stack developer? If you’re in the right place to learn about differentiation. Full-stack web developers are adept at managing the website’s front-end and back-end operations.
To ensure a seamless user experience for the users on the website, these full-stack developers work on handling the website’s design, interface, and backend functioning using various programming languages and tools.
However you must know that several people don’t know Full stack vs Mean Stack Developer. One of the JavaScript stacks employed by full-stack developers to build websites and web apps is the mean stack. So, the Mean Stack framework handles the server-side and client-side execution of JavaScript scripts.
But, if you’re working on your new web app development project, you must know reading the entire blog will immensely help. In this blog, we have compiled a Full stack vs Mean Stack Developer, which you should know, so read carefully.
What Is a Full-Stack Developer?
A full-stack developer is a web developer or programmer that operates on both the front and back ends of a website or application. Full stack developers can take on tasks including databases, the creation of user-facing websites, or even working with customers in between the planning stage of web app development.
- A backend language or languages, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
- Specialising in a single backend programming language, such as Python, PHP, or Ruby.
- Project management, visual design, project design, and UI/UX are optional.
What Does a Mean Stack Developer Mean?
A developer with expertise in the MEAN stack is a specialist who concentrates on a narrow range of topics. MEAN stack developers are similar to JS-based application developers. Mean stack web development refers to the development phase that comes inside this specific group of capabilities MongoDB, Expressjs, AngularJs, and NodeJS.
- M denotes MongoDB (No SQL database)
- E denotes express (a framework on top of Node)
- A represents Angular’s front-end framework.
- Node is an acronym for a backend framework.
Fascinating Difference Between Full Stack and Mean Stack Developers
In this section, we have built a table that showcases the vast difference between full stack and Mean stack developers, which you must go through to understand more thoroughly.
Full Stack |
Mean Stack |
None of the web-related languages or technologies used by full stack is an abbreviation. | Mean stack, which combines the four frameworks MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS, and NodeJS, has an acronym. |
Full-stack web development involves using various programming languages and website development tools to manage front-end and back-end development. | For medium-stack development, the developers must become familiar with the frameworks, which may be written in the same languages as full-stack frameworks or in Java.
Developers who work across the entire stack are not required to know just one or two languages. But full stack developers are not required to stick to any one language, they are familiar with many languages and frameworks. | While creating a website, the mean stack is limited to using a specific framework. But, the programmer is exclusively based on one framework because they are unfamiliar with other tools or frameworks. |
Any relational database with a SQL foundation can be accessed with it. | Only non-relational databases like MongoDB and NoSQL are accessible through it. |
Full-stack web developmentallows using numerous server-side programming languages, including PHP, C#, C++, and Python. |
Mean stack web development enables programmers to use ExpressJS and NodeJS for server-side or back-end programming, which is less sophisticated than PHP or Python. |
A company needs to recruit fewer developers if they are full-stack specialists since they work with server- and client-side technologies and languages, increasing productivity. | If a developer is familiar with Mean Stack, they will only be familiar with frameworks related to java-based or other specific languages. So, these programmers lack full-stack developers. |
With knowledge of various languages and technologies, full-stack developers can quickly move among front and back-end programs to address project-related concerns. | Mean Stack may transition between server-side and client-side programs to fix business problems with a single technology, like JavaScript, under our belts. |
Full-stack developers can expand their skill set by learning various programming languages. | Mean Stack developers with limited stack knowledge can only advance in a single language, such as JavaScript, and have no need to learn additional languages. |
So you must know that being in high demand, full-stack developers earn more money than mean-stack developers. But so their pay rises as they gain more expertise and the ability to deal with many languages. | Since the employment is less attractive and the remuneration is lower for beginning and design can help compared to fully detailed integrated. But, mean stack developers aren’t as in demand as full-stack developers. |
What Are the Benefits & Drawbacks of A Full Stack Developer?
In this section, we have mentioned some core benefits & Drawbacks of hiring full-stack developers, that will help you in hirng the best full stack developer for your upcoming project. So make sure to read this till the end carefully to know the benefits & drawbacks of full stack developers.
Benefits Of A Full Stack Developer
- You can become an expert in all the techniques used in a proposed development.
- Creating a design quickly is excellent.
- It offers assistance to each member of your team.
- Full-stack developers can reduce the cost of development.
- Full-stack developers can shorten the time your team members spend communicating.
- Depending on customer needs, we can swap between front-end and back-end development.
- Full-stack developers can also comprehend the elements of new approaches and emerging technologies.
Full-Stack Development’s Drawbacks
- The development chosen for the project may not be the best one.
- The development from the full Stack may be based on development abilities.
What Are the Benefits & Drawbacks Of A Mean Stack Developer?
Now the time has come when you must go through the benefits & drawbacks of a mean stack developer if you’re willing to hire one. So, we have complied a llist of some benefits and drawbacks of mean stack developer which you must know.
Benefits Of A Mean Stack Developer
- It facilitates quicker and more accessible web app development.
- Mean Stack developers only ever use one standard language for stack development.
- It will assist in the rapid development of applications.
- Far too little storage is used unnecessarily.
- It sets up the entire application.
- Cloud storage is made possible by its Mongo DataBase.
Drawbacks to Mean Stack Development
- For large-scale applications, it is not the best.
- Mean stack developers don’t have any particular JavaScript program coding standards.
- When you establish a webpage utilizing Mean Stack technology. So in the same way returning and accessing the old data isn’t easy.
- It provides inadequate server separation in terms of business logic.
- Mean Stack loses records and has no backup infrastructure.
Hopefully, the information mentioned above was quite helpful for you in knowing about the difference between full-stack and Mean stack developers. So, you must know if you’re looking to develop a mobile app but are confused about full-stack vs mean-stack developers. You must outsource a mobile or full-stack web development company.
So yes, we’re saying this after a lot of experience. A full-stack web development company has a team of various developers that work according to your project requirement.
Frequently Asked Questions
Which companies use the MEAN stack?
The meaning of MEAN (Mongo, Express, Angular, Node) offers a good starting point for MongoDB and Node. So, here’s the list of famous companies using Mean stack:
- Accenture
- Fiverr
- Sisense
- io
- Vungle
- AngularClass
MEAN Stack or MERN stack: Which is More in Demand?
So, when managing more significant projects, MEAN is preferable, but MERN is ideal for quickly developing smaller web apps.
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