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Social Media Posting Services By the Best Media Agency

What your Social Media posts should contain – Social Media Posting Services

Social Media has become a tool that should not be missing from the marketing strategy of a business. One of the most common problems for business owners is content posting on social networks. While some do not know what topics to post, others notice that, although they post constantly, it does not seem to bring any benefit to the company. We provide posting services on all social media platforms.

These phenomena occur frequently in the business environment and are based on the lack of documentation on building a marketing strategy for social networks, from establishing a calendar of posts containing the days of the week and even the hours of posting, to adapting posts according to the social network, the content of the posts and the importance of the comments. Here are some tips that will help you grow your business with the help of social networks:

1. Establishing a calendar of posts for posting services

Each social network focuses on certain aspects, if on Facebook the quality of the posts matters more than the quantity, on Twitter, it is the other way around, it matters much more how often you post and less the topic addressed. In order to obtain the results we adopt a strategy for posting services according to the social network :

  • Facebook and Google Plus – between 3 and 10 posts per week.
  • LinkedIn – between 2 and 5 posts per week.
  • Pinterest – between 5 and 10 posts per day.
  • Twitter – minimum 5 posts per day.

2. Put yourself in the place of virtual friends

Before posting information on a social network, think about whether you would pay attention to it. Post it only if it is interesting, provides useful information and an image that will attract a user’s attention when looking at the news feed. With hundreds or even thousands of posts appearing daily on a user’s news feed, you need to be sure to offer something in addition to other users. If you are unable to post content on regular basis then you can get our posting services

3. Don’t just focus on promoting your products or services

Social media specialists recommend that only 20% of Facebook posts be related to promoting a product or service, while 80% should contain general information about your domain. Such posts help you gain customers’ trust in your products or services and perceive you as an expert in the field, who can offer them answers to all their questions.

4. Give customers a reason to follow your profiles

For clients, it is not important to tell them to follow you on social media, but to give them a good reason for it. Next time you want to attract customers on a new social network instead of “Follow our profile”, try “Join our 1000 friends”, “Follow our profile to always be in step with the news” etc.

5. Rely on emotions

A customer will not be attracted to your product immediately, but if you highlight how your product can help them with a problem and meet their expectations, the customer’s interest grows. For example, Coca-Cola emphasizes happiness, friendship, family and highlights these aspects in every marketing strategy.

Do you have a business that is not yet present on social media? Through the social media marketing service we propose, we create personalized campaigns specially created for good exposure within the social networks.

Social Media Posting Is An Integral Part Of Our Lives

All major companies, aware of the trend and direction in which most users turn their attention, choose to communicate, promote and run marketing campaigns using social networks.

In the online environment, through increasingly diverse social networks, new companies and brands can become known quickly and gain immediate notoriety. Reputation is built and prepared today by communication in this way; any business must adapt and use the benefits offered by these promotion channels. Social networks provide intelligent support to quickly transmit information about news, products, campaigns and brand values ​​and get the best conversion rates.

In this sense, the development of personalized and complex marketing strategies, created especially for social media, focused on original images, messages or videos, designed for the long term, with an adequate budget, contributes a lot to increase the authority and notoriety of online businesses.

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