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The Principles and Laws of UX Design

If you’re interested in user experience design, you should familiarize yourself with the principles and laws of UX design. The principles and laws are a set of ground rules for designers that can help you understand what makes good design and how to create it. 

A Definition Of UX

The term user experience or UX refers to how a user feels when interacting with your product. This includes things like, but not limited to, functionality, accessibility, user-friendliness, aesthetics and many other things that contribute to their perception of your product.

Law #1 – Usability

Usability is a quality attribute that assesses how easy user interfaces are to use. It is an indispensable factor that helps enhance user satisfaction. When it comes to designing a product, usability should be on top of your mind. By understanding and incorporating usability into your designs, you will create user interfaces that people will find useful, efficient, and enjoyable to use.

Law #2 – User Interface

The usability, usefulness, and user friendliness of your app or website. If a user has trouble using it, they’ll soon give up trying to use it again. Keep in mind that different users have different skill levels. The average user is often not very tech-savvy. So make sure you design your site or app so that these people can still use it! This law also applies to mobile devices. There are many websites out there which are made for desktop computers, but when viewed on a mobile device, become unusable because of their small size and lack of functionality. Remember: if you can’t see it or don’t know how to do something with one click/tap, then most likely no one else will be able to either!

Law #3 – Visual Appeal

This law states that people remember 80% of what they see, but only 20% of what they read. This means that your product needs to not only be easy on their eyes but also visually appealing to create an emotional attachment.

Law #4 – Credibility

Trustworthy design is essential in creating an effective user experience. If users don’t trust your site, they won’t buy what you’re selling. If they don’t believe what you say, they won’t come back to your site. But how do you build credibility into your site? What can you do to keep them coming back again and again? The answer lies in establishing yourself as an authority on whatever it is that you’re designing for. It’s not enough to just be credible; you have to make sure that your audience sees you as credible too. There are several ways to accomplish this: Provide proof of your expertise: Showing people that you know what you’re talking about can go a long way toward establishing credibility—and it doesn’t have to be hard work either!

Law #5 – Feedback

Don’t Forget About Feedback! – Feedback is just as important as input. Instead of focusing on users providing you with information, focus on gathering information that can be used to improve your product or service. Do you want direct feedback from users? Create a feedback box within your product where they can let you know what they love, what they hate, and what needs to be changed. Focus groups are also a great way to gather feedback from users in an intimate setting.

Law #6 – Accessibility

The UI should be designed in such a way that it’s easy to use for anyone with or without physical disabilities. For example, if your app requires typing on a keyboard, it must also provide an alternative keyboard for those who don’t have one.

Law #7 – Consistency

The Principle Behind Successful User Experience Design (UXD) Consistency is one of those seemingly simple principles in user experience design that has far-reaching implications. To put it simply, consistency keeps users safe. When they enter your app, they know how to navigate your app successfully with an extremely high level of accuracy—and without much thought. Good designers understand that if they make everything in their app look or behave differently, users will struggle to find what they’re looking for.

Law #8 – Readability

Don’t clutter your interface with information. Give users only what they need to make informed decisions. Remember, your interface is there to serve users, not vice versa. Your primary task is to help them get from point A to point B without unnecessary distraction or confusion—so keep things simple and clean, even if it means excluding information that you think is important. If something doesn’t look quite right on screen, stop and ask yourself if it might just be an unnecessary detail. If so, eliminate it.


Principles may seem dry, but they actually help guide your design process. When you’re stuck on how to design a particular feature, principles are your best bet for making sure that what you’re designing is thoughtful and helpful to your users.  As you can see, there are many laws out there—and while they might seem daunting at first, they can make you a better designer by providing useful frameworks for thinking about user experience. Don’t let them scare you! Once you know them inside and out, laws will be just as easy to apply as any other design tool in your arsenal. UI/UX design company with right knowledge will be beneficial!

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