In the old days instead of a named domain name, people used to type in the IP address of a site to visit it. Yeah, literally the IP address that a domain points to like
When they were just a handful of sites it seemed to work out. But as the internet grew more sites were introduced thus managing to remember that many IP addresses were next to impossible. Just imagine trying to remember every darn IP of the website you visited. Thinking about it gives me a headache. Thus it was decided to domain names instead. Cause names were easier to remember and the fun part is they pointed to the dedicated IP address of the website so we didn’t abandon the IP address we just gave them aliases that are easier to remember.
At the time they didn’t play much of a role aside from help visiting a site. But things have changed. Now choosing a domain name holds a very special meaning to the site. It represents the identity and the uniqueness of a site. Not only that even the SEO of a site depends on it. In this respect, it is important to carefully choose a catchy business name suitable for a domain name. The name should be unique, interesting, and meaningful. Multiple sites cannot have the same domain name.
Now your might say that you saw sites with the same name and spelling but there was no conflict. Well, if you to looked closely enough then you would have seen that they might have been the same but the extensions were different.
What is this extension that I am talking about? Well, is basically the .com, .net, .org, .gov, .edu, etc. at the end of every domain name. Also known as top level domains or TLD for short. Now you might be a little confused on how to choose the right domain name. Don’t worry I will give you some tips that might help you to choose the right domain name for your website.
# Choose the right extension
When you look to book a domain you also need a TLD extension at the end of the domain name. The most common and popular domain extensions are .com, .net, .org, etc. Many prefer the .com domain. Besides, there are extensions for country-based businesses like .sg, .us, .en, etc., and also there are the most highly secure and high authoritative domains for exclusive sites like .gov and .edu.
# Choose a name that sounds like a brand
Choosing a name that sounds catchy as well as easy to remember. And also represents you and has a special meaning related to your purpose. Besides this, the name must also be trustworthy and easy to pronounce.
# Do proper keyword research before choosing a name
Sometimes we tend to choose names on a whim which sometimes gives great results but the risk factor is too high. If you choose a name that contradicts the purpose of your site or is too hard to remember then there’s no point is there. Suppose a new site like “Streaming Plug” was to choose a name like “WaterStream.com” would that contradict not only with the brand name but also with the meaning behind the brand. The word streaming is mainly an indication of which type of platform it targets to become. Which is earn from home online by streaming your creative content on this platform. Not choosing water streams to tour.