Top 5 Most Common Mistakes In Academic Writing
At the beginning of academic writing practices, poor grades and low appreciation often hurt people. Few people start thinking that they cannot do academic writing, and due to consecutive failures, they lose confidence in writing. The topic of interest is how we can avoid mistakes often a beginner commits to attaining good remarks and appreciation by the tutor. This essay aims to highlight the most common mistakes that everyone should avoid to produce an impressive piece of academic writing that inspires the reader.
1.1 Unclear Thesis Statement
Beginners often do not clearly understand the term ‘Thesis Statement’ and its essential components. The thesis statement aims to highlight your perspectives on the topic of interest. It must tell readers what you want to say, so it should be concise and clear to save readers from the difficulty to understand the vague statement. An effective thesis statement answers how or why the particular phenomenon happens.
For example:
Vague Statement: The acid rain ruins the aesthetic looks of the Taj Mahal.
Clear Thesis Statement: The precipitation of Sulphuric acid and Nitric acid by the reaction of SO2 and NOx with water and oxygen through acid rain ruins the aesthetic looks of the Taj Mahal.
A clear dissertation help thesis statement must touch on how or why to highlight the logic behind your statement; otherwise, it will be considered vague.
Many times, a thesis statement requires multiple revisions to avoid lengthy sentences. In the above example, by adding the reason for the harmful nature of acid rain, we increase the statement’s authenticity.
1.2 Plagiarism
The most common and obvious mistake done mainly by students in academic writing is Plagiarism. Plagiarism is simply the act of presenting copy-paste work as an original work. This is the most offensive mistake in academic writing because it is not acceptable at every level by the tutors. Some students commit this mistake because they want to get good scores without putting in enough effort (deliberate Plagiarism). In contrast, others don’t have a conceptual understanding of the types of Plagiarism, and their carelessness results in the production of plagiarized content (unintentional Plagiarism).
For deliberate Plagiarism, punishment is an effective way to avoid this offensive mistake. However, to avoid unintentional Plagiarism, the students must be well aware of all types of Plagiarism to restrict some activities in academic writing.
Before giving any academic task to the student, the tutor must tell him what Plagiarism is? How can you avoid this? A detailed lecture about self-plagiarism, direct Plagiarism, mosaic Plagiarism, tips to paraphrase, accidental Plagiarism, borrowed Plagiarism, and source base plagiarism can help students avoid all kinds of Plagiarism to increase the validity and originality of research.
1.3 Very Long And Fragmented Sentences
A common misunderstanding about the sentence structure in academic writing is ‘people think that the more complex words and lengthy sentences they incorporate in their essay, the more effective piece of writing they will produce. But in reality, this is not the case: the more accurate and straightforward keywords you use to construct your sentence, the more reader you can attract. This situation occurred when you used too many words and phrases in a single sentence to describe your thoughts. A too lengthy sentence can confuse your reader with what exactly you want to say.
For example:
Fragmented Or Wordy Sentence: SO2 and NOx react with oxygen and water. By combining with oxygen and water, they produce Sulphuric acid and Nitric acid, and when these acids fall on the Taj Mahal in the form of acid rain, they spoil the aesthetics of the Taj Mahal.
Clear Sentence: The precipitation of Sulphuric acid or Nitric acid by the reaction of SO2, NOx, H2O, and O2 through acid rain ruins the aesthetic looks of the Taj Mahal
A clear understanding of the topic and repeated loud revisions after writing each sentence can help you to avoid rambling or fragmented sentences.
Bombardment Of Knowledge
Another most common mistake in academic writing is the bombardment of knowledge. Most people rephrase lines and put them into their cheap assignment writing services essays without establishing any link between the knowledge and topic under discussion; such practices are responsible for the tutor’s low academic grades and poor remarks.
For example, if the topic of interest is
‘Impact of covid 19 on traveling and hospitality industry’
To elaborate on this topic, students often spend several lines discussing covid, how it originated, and how many cases were reported. Unfortunately, versatile consequences of covid, what is hospitality, loses to hospitality, what is traveling industry and what circumstances they are facing, but fails to establish a logical flow between all above-mentioned points. This practice of leaving gaps between different findings and facts is called the bombardment of knowledge. Forward and backward revisions are the best available option to ignore such mistakes to produce a systematic and fluent academic essay.
1.5 Grammatical Or Spelling Errors
The importance of grammatical understanding lies in the fact that a text without punctuation, colon, commas, and periods will surely create fizziness and fails to communicate the writer’s thoughts. The punctuation marks and commas are meant to increase the reader’s understanding of the writer’s beliefs. For example, Hot water bottles and hot- water bottles have two different meanings. Similarly, spelling mistakes also change the meaning of sentences such as affect/effect, buy / by have different meanings and are not interconvertible. Few students neglect the importance of grammar or spellings errors and are ultimately scoreless in examinations. Spelling and Grammatical errors are easy to locate by using online grammar checking tools. These errors are inevitable and often occur by carelessness or shortage of time. To avoid grammatical or spelling mistakes, proofreading practices in spare time or just before the final submission of the academic work will help you a lot.
The purpose of identifying the five most common mistakes in academic writing is to create public awareness about things to avoid while writing an attractive piece of writing.