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Top Methods By Which You Can Support your analysis in Easy Way


Research requires analysis of your results and key findings. The analysis is the most important part of research because it justifies the rationale of the research in light of key findings. Analysis requires analytical rigor and the usage of the best methods to strengthen your arguments. There are some methods that you can use to support your analysis. A robust analysis leads to strong and valid conclusions and strengthens research. This article will tell you about some of the top methods you can use to support your analysis.

Why do you need methods to support your analysis?

The analysis is the most crucial part of research; therefore, it requires different methods to support your analysis. The analysis involves synthesizing your key arguments and research questions with results and findings. It also involves an evaluation of your key findings in comparison with existing literature and research. So, if you will have an appropriate methodology, you will be able to support your analysis and defend your key findings. A methodology is an organized and structured technique that enables the researchers to isolate the different elements and analyze them in detail. A methodology equips the researchers with logical tools that help in writing a clear and precise analysis. Analysis requires logical rigor; therefore, a methodology provides you with the analytical tools to examine the findings and key arguments.

What are the top methods by which you can support your analysis?

The choice of analysis methodology depends upon the nature of your research. A method’s ability to support your analysis relies on the research design. Qualitative methods to support your analysis differs from quantitative methods. Here are the top methods by which you can support your analysis:

  1. Quantitative Methods

Quantitative research encompasses numerical data. It always has a hypothesis with an independent and dependent variable. So, researchers gather numerical and sometimes qualitative data to either refute or support the hypothesis. Quantitative methods require statistical tools to support your analysis. These statistical tools help you derive accurate and valid conclusions based on your results and key findings.

  • Statistical Analysis

Data is in the raw form, and it does not create any meaning until there are no connections or patterns in the data. The role of the researcher is to collect data, organize it and then analyze it using statistical tools. Statistical tools help the researchers find trends and patterns in the numerical data. It enables the researchers to draw meaningful and accurate conclusions. The primary objective of statistical analysis is to remove biases and ensure objectivity.

Quantitative research findings and conclusions are generalizable since the sample population is representative of the entire population. So, using statistical tools to support your analysis requires precision and careful planning. You can use statistical methods to test the hypotheses in the light of gathered data. The collected data either refutes the hypothesis or rejects it. The first step to supporting your analysis using statistical methods is to use descriptive statistics.

  • Descriptive Statistics

Descriptive statistics refer to summarising data and sorting the various features of data. So, the first step that researchers can take to support their analysis is to describe the features of various responses. For example, researchers can do the following:

  • Classifying each variable and the average responses for that variable
  • Results that indicate a connection or correlation between the two variables
  • Making frequency distribution tables to organize the data
  • Visual display of data using bar charts or pivot tables
  • Using the scatter plots to understand the trends in data that indicate a link between the two variables
  1. Inferential Statistics

Inferential Statistics is the next step or method by which you can support your analysis. It enable researchers to derive conclusions from the data. Researchers can make forecasts based on the key findings and conclusions. Inferential statistics means drawing inferences from the data, and it mostly uses inductive or deductive logic. Using inferential statistics, researchers can draw valid conclusions by evaluating the responses gathered from the sample population.

Moreover, researchers can also test hypotheses and observe if the data indicates any relationship between the variables. The validity of inferential analysis depends upon the objectivity of the sample data. So, researchers must collect unbiased data.

  1. Qualitative Analysis

Qualitative research encompasses subjective interpretations and analysis of opinions gathered through interviews. It is more complex than quantitative data and requires discursive understanding to locate the patterns in the gathered data. You can use the following methods to support your analysis for qualitative research.

Subjective exploration includes emotional understandings and examination of suppositions assembled through interviews. It is more mind boggling than quantitative information and requires rambling comprehension to find the examples in the accumulated information. You can involve the accompanying strategies to help your examination for subjective exploration.

2.1. Thematic Analysis

Thematic analysis is the top method you can use to support your analysis. The thematic analysis encompasses the analysis of the data and key findings based on different themes. These themes look for existing patterns and trends in the data gathered through interviews or focus group discussions. Researchers try to look for identical themes that keep repeating throughout the results. For example, they can be common ideas, opinions, and comprehension of meaning.

Topical investigation is the top strategy you can use to help your examination. The topical investigation envelops the examination of the information and key discoveries in light of various subjects. These subjects search for existing examples and patterns in the information assembled through meetings or center gathering conversations. Specialists attempt to search for indistinguishable subjects that continue to rehash all through the outcomes. For instance, they can be normal thoughts, assessments, and cognizance of significance.

Thematic analysis method to support analysis comprises the following sub-methods that researchers use:

  • Inductive Approach

Inductive methods in thematic analysis refer to identifying and deriving common themes from the data.

  • Deductive Approach

The deductive method uses pre-defined themes and theoretical constructs to validate and support the findings.

  • Semantic approach

The word semantic refers to the meaning in language. It refers to the syntax structure and grammar rules that play a pivotal role in forming meaning. A semantic method is a technique that you can use to support your analysis for qualitative research. It encompasses deciphering the explicit meanings expressed through opinions and responses gathered from the sample population.

The word semantic alludes to the importance in language. It alludes to the punctuation design and language decides that assume a crucial part in framing meaning. A semantic strategy is a method that you can use to help your examination for subjective exploration. It envelops translating the unequivocal implications offered through viewpoints and reactions assembled from the example populace.

  • Latent Approach

The latent approach enables the researchers to derive meaningful conclusions from the text. It refers to the examination of underlying assumptions and indulging in intertextuality. Intertextuality requires reading between the lines and extracting the hidden meanings and epistemological underpinnings.


The methods mentioned above are crucial to support your analysis. The choice of these methods depends upon the kind of research you are doing. You can use statistical methods to strengthen your analysis for quantitative research. Whereas for qualitative research, you can use thematic analysis to strengthen your analysis.

Author Bio

Robert Fawl is a professional Content writer & Content Marketer. Based in London, Robert is an author and blogger with experience in encounter composing on various topics including but not limited to Buy Dissertation Online, Buy Assignment Online and Buy Essay Online, etc.

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