Top Vuejs Development Tools to use in 2022
Imagine the possibilities your app would have if it was written using Vuejs, one of the most advanced, user-friendly and developer-friendly web app frameworks available today. Before you take this giant leap, you need to do some research to ensure you choose the right development tools that’ll help you build your next big thing in no time at all. That’s where we come in! Here are some of the top Vuejs development tools to use in 2022.
The Top 5 Vuejs Development Tools to Use
#1 — Gatsby:
As popular front-end development frameworks evolve, so too do their associated tools. The Gatsby framework has been around for a while now, which is why we’re beginning our list with its principal tool—the static site generator that brings modern development tools to static websites. Gatsby compiles your HTML, CSS and JS files into a single file that browsers can read. It was designed from scratch with one mission:
To accelerate web development on modern JavaScript platforms. Out of all of the options on our list, Gatsby offers a unique vision for building responsive websites powered by data sources not just APIs and traditional databases but: Contentful, WordPress, Netlify CMS and more! Also, if you’re working within an existing codebase (e.g., React or Angular), you can use Gatsby to generate a SPA using that code as well.
Although it does include some limited integrations like e-commerce and connected pages out of the box, there are additional plugins available via NPM. For additional features and support beyond what is provided out of the box (which we consider superior to many competing products) check to outsource.
#2 — ButterCMS:
No list would be complete without a headless CMS, would it? (As we discussed above, headless means that there’s no front-end component.) The big players—WordPress and Drupal, for example—are very capable in their own right. But what if you’re working with an existing codebase or prefer not to host your site on a traditional CMS? In either case, ButterCMS could be your solution.
It’s open-source, meaning that your developers can modify and extend it however they see fit. It also has features designed specifically for developers—for example, compile mode that allows you to preview changes with live data. Furthermore, it has its own REST API so that you can write plugins.
#3 — Hot Module Replacement (HMR):
This module replacement system was built with JavaScript in mind but is compatible with other frameworks like React, Angular and VueJS. There are two main advantages to using HMR: First, as its name suggests, it replaces modules while applications are running so developers don’t have to make all their edits at once. Second, because apps stay running during development instead of shutting down every time something needs updating, apps startup much faster than before. It also means that there will be fewer errors in production since apps have been tested against specific changes.
#4 — Storybook:
If you’re developing an interface that relies on complex interactions or components, you may want to create a component library. That way when someone uses your component they won’t find bugs—or worse, style issues—that you haven’t discovered yet! Storybook is an open-source UI Component Dev & Test Library for Vue that offers a framework for creating living style guides through integration with Vue-loader and Webpack. The best part? Storybook can be run in both headless (browser) and GUI mode so developers can get the right level of granularity required by their project.
#5 — Vue Console:
Even though Vue.js development frameworks like Angular, React and even jQuery have supported their own version of console development tools for years now, it took a while longer before similar functionality made its way into frameworks like VueJS. But now it has—and quite nicely, I might add!
Hot Module Replacement
Building a component-based frontend web app is pretty straightforward. But what happens when you need to change a single line of code? With Hot Module Replacement (HMR), you can instantly update that specific component without having to reload your entire app.
Some JavaScript developers have seen significant performance boosts using HMR, since it eliminates some of that time-to-interactive delay when working with large client-side applications. It’s been said before that we should build our JavaScript apps like single page websites instead of traditional desktop software—well, HMR helps make that possible. Glimpse: If your main concern as a developer is ensuring an application performs quickly and responsively (meaning as fast as humanly possible) then Glimpse will come in handy; it’s not a tool for beginners, though.
v-on Component Events
The v-on component events component allows you to bind one or more event handlers directly on a component instance. You specify an event name and pass a method of that name. Then, when a user clicks, taps, hovers, etc. over that component, it triggers a corresponding handler method. By nature of being attached directly to your components (instead of elements inside of it), you can be sure that your methods are always properly debounced and don’t accidentally cause weird race conditions between repeated handlers being executed at different times. This is often a good alternative if you’re looking for something simple like binding keypress listeners. But you cannot do without passing data via props as well.
This directive attaches one or more event handlers for multiple input types. It enables handling input state changes for any combination of checkbox/radio, select menu/dropdown with text inputs including virtual keyboard events.
You can hire Vue.js developers from a reputed company for web development work.
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