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Where i can find download CS 1.6

what is counter strike 1.6 game https://csdownload.net

A part of our success we fully dedicate to you, visitors as we listen to your ideas all the time, all you have to do is comment what version you want us to make next and we might just do it. That practise not only helped us to deliver the versions of CS you want, but also kept us relevant throughout the modern trends. Our website is constantly evolving: we listen to your ideas, we improve our design, we update our existing editions and design better ones. In other words we made it our number one priority to let you download CS 1.6 of your dreams.
If you consider yourself a gamer especially the one who enjoys a good First Person Shooter, then you’ve most likely heard of Counter-Strike while the chances are, you came here to download CS 1.6. The game is by all means a legend and a father of so many modern multiplayers with similar task: to eliminate enemy’s forces, but probably not as quite unique as CS is. If you’re a modern day kind of player, then you’ve probably already played Global Offensive (because you can download CS GO free on Steam these days) – the latest version of CStrike that came out in 2013 and gained an insane amount of popularity very fast.
CS maps have quite a different goals.  In a case of hostages dying, the only way to win a round for counter-terrorists is to eliminate everybody on the other team. The idea is to for CTs to ensure a safe way for VIP to get to the rescue point (which is usually a helicopter). Meanwhile, terrorists’ main job in to eliminate the VIP player or at least not let him to get away until the end of the round.
But enough about us, it’s time to let you know about the game itself, just in case you still didn’t try Counter Strike 1.6 and are interested about what it’s all about. Well, the idea is pretty simple: a good old bad vs evil scenario, this time it’s terrorists against, you guessed it, counter-terrorist. Most popular map types are DE_, CS_ and AS_, although first two take up 99% of the gameplay nowadays.

And that is exactly what we supply you with: a great stable fully up-to-date protected version of CS. At this moment we have well over 60 different CStrike editions, each one of them being first class experience for any kind of needs. More over, new versions come out on a monthly basis, so even if you find enough time to try each and every one of them, feel free to come back a bit later for more. We follow all of the current trends, which is why we have such options as CS 1.6 Zombie Edition, CS 1.6 Half-Life edition and even such amazing products like Among Us edition and Fall Guys edition. Become our recurring visitor and we will not disappoint you!
In the current gaming landscape there hardly is one player who enjoys a good first-person-shooter and never heard about Counter-Strike – a truly legendary game of our time.  And if you think it’s a bold statement we will elaborate. Yes, CS 1.6 is over 20 years old at this point, but it’s popularity is still higher then many other similar games. Even with the release of Global Offensive, that older version is still extremely famous and literally thousands of people download Counter-Strike 1.6 every day.

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